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Main forum Forum: Days of War Thread: New Map
New Map Site: « 1 »
#1 at 26.07.2016 on 17:55h Quote this entry
posts: 30
Test time: Tonight 8pm Eastern Time (12am GMT)
Tis will be a closed test on a password protected server. Please respond to this emial if you would like to participate in the test.
First come first served.

Tonight we are testing a new map conecpt code named dow_viaduct1 in our first ever blockout test. The goal of a blockout test is to gather crucial feedback at a critical stage in teh design prodess.

A blockout ist the first stage of creating a level with all placeholder art and geometry. The purpose of testing a blockout is to test the mechanics, layout, scale, lines of sight and other gameplayer elements of a level concept to refine it before we put it in the hands of our artist.

Here are some of the questions we are seeking to answer:
What parts of the map are most and least fun?
What classes feel dominant or uneless?
Any obvious exploits?
Which side is preferred?
Any ares that seem conducive to cheap kills?

Email for contact:



Nachtrag von Ulf:


Ach ja, die Mail habe ich abgeschrieben, da ich Sie nicht kopieren konnte, achtet nicht auf die Fehler ;O)



Nachtrag von Ulf:


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