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Main forum Forum: General Thread: Maps
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#1 at 12.11.2021 on 22:21h Quote this entry
posts: 35
So I have been wondering if there is something we can do to play more maps that we hardly play or just discontinue them from the server. I see at least 30 maps I have never pplayed or scene. yet a person here or there doesn't like it and it seems to be doom for said maps. I believe everyone is entitled an opinion but when maps are picked  that might should be put on tap until after said sucky map has been played. I doubt I will every see all the maps or play realism on as many as possible just for the thoughts of a few. So my ideas include but are not limited to. Running a day of maps nobody picks for realism when we know we will have some numbers and people interested in other maps than the same popular ones. In the War, no one had luxury to pick where they fought nor should we if we recreate a ww2 atmosphere to play this game.
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#2 at 16.11.2021 on 17:35h Quote this entry
posts: 23
We are coming onto winter soon, I think we have had snow maps for this winter. Their are lots of snow maps we can choose from that we havent played. Maybe have a vote for the maps to cycle through for winter snow maps.
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#3 at 09.02.2022 on 12:40h Quote this entry
posts: 231
Hey guys,

I bounce on the subject because since my return, I see that things have not changed.

The evening of realism thus boils down to a rotation between, very often, cherbourg/shlag/santos/jagd and a bunch of other maps too well known to everyone. The problem being that whenever the map is not made up of buildings, clear weather, and flat terrain, a lot of people don't want to play the map and influence changing the map.

I want to say that we, the members of the unit, have a role to play on this. Beyond being a leader and choosing a card in the event of victory, when votes are cast, it would be appropriate to offer cards that change from the ordinary.

They will not please everyone, but realism is not limited to about fifteen cards seen and reviewed.


last edited by Jakub at 09.02.2022 12:40h 
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