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#1 at 17.10.2018 on 19:08h Quote this entry
posts: 3


Last sunday 14-October-2018 at 16:44 +- was playing in dod_sora, all the players were shooting the bell ( on pourpose ) and when i tried to kill 1 guy in the bell( with thompson) i got banned by Amon. ( FG can see the demo if they want)

I was the only banned ( weird )

I have 6 bans, (2 of these bans were because some players were spamming the chat and Mette banned me ( with no proves , as always ), i had to sent to Karl screenshoot proving this injustice )

I got 1 ban for unrealistic position, and other for spawnshooting after a win round.

I got 3 months ban because is the 6º ban.

Some players have 6 bans ( la virgen de la peana ) and they dont have the same punishment

However im continuosly insulted by some "disciplinated"  members of 3te PGD, by chat and by micro ( Camperwolf , noob,... i have screenshots in my profile)

Can u be coherent please?

I know half of the unit hates me , but i think isnt a good mode to fix the things abusing continously the ban mode. ( bans are to ban bad behaviour players) if u got annoyed by the sound of the bell switch off the sound.

And the last thing:  Welsch banned my 2nd account with this reason : Try to avoid the ban, 

I dont want a unban, but think twice before ban the people please


zuletzt editiert von Timberwolf am 17.10.2018 21:40 Uhr 
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#2 at 19.10.2018 on 11:32h Quote this entry
posts: 10
u are not an good example neither by calling/writing in chat that this boy Christian Alto is a retard and so on... I don't have screenshots and doesn't even matter, probably there's some log file of chat discussion, but even your action to make a screenshots is telling you that u are not so kind as u like to speak for your self. I don't know for the bell and other sh*t you did, but for me - insulting someone on that way is a ban and if u acumulate such kind of bans - it's adio for u. I don't like your style of play but that's not the reason for hating u - u are not ok for me because such a low thinking... that's not even about game anymore - it's about personality.

last edited by Endi at 19.10.2018 11:33h 
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#3 at 19.10.2018 on 14:22h Quote this entry
posts: 3
Please improve your english, read with attention the chat and understand it, i think u have difficults to understand it, i didnt call this guy retard, i said "retard voice".

U made your own film and u are beliving it OMG hahahah.

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#4 at 19.10.2018 on 14:47h Quote this entry
posts: 10
it's difficulties - not difficults... improve urself at least by not calling someones voice retarded... have a nice day:)
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#5 at 21.10.2018 on 20:07h Quote this entry
posts: 163
Timberwolf / Rodriguez
Your situation was already evaluated by our FG personal.
The final decision was 3 months ban, regarding not only dod_sora situation but also the rest.
Oberst Karl
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