Public Player Rules
- Every public player has to act polite and with a kind behavior when joining our server.
- Swearing and inappropriate statements will be punished.
- Racist and discriminating statements is not finding any tolerance on our servers.
- Politics Themes are better being spoken about in Teamspeak, the best agreement to not
have them on the servers at all.
- Profile Picture have to be adequate and fitting, not harming or provocative neither contain-
ing any kinds of national socialistic nor communistic nor different politically reference.
- The name of a public player is forced to be written in at least up to three digits, not only
numbers nor signs, with a little bit of common understanding and legibility.
- Cheating and hacking are highly forbidden and if caught in any case the solution will
end in a hard punishment.
While playing on our servers, a public player has to listen to anyAdmin or Leader with out
no if and buts. If there is any problem or misunderstanding, a public player has the opport- unity to search for help and information on our Teamspeak residence or on our Homepage.
- When FO/FS intervenes and steps in a puplic player is not allowed to make any sort of
contradiction at that very moment.
- While FG is working or steps in there will be no argumentation or prolonging.
- At a public scrim a public player has absolute priority to be chosen for playing before
a different member of a different unit.
- While playing any scrims against other units, public players have not to do nobusiness
on the field. Therefore, "unit-hopping" is not allowed.
- While having a scrim or any kind of training on the scrim server, realism on thepublic server
is not allowed.
- Complaints about the 3te PGD or different players, equal if unit member or public, please be
written into our forums or into our private Postbox on the homepage.

Rules of the 3te Panzer Grenadier Division [3te PGD]
The following list includes all important information and applicable rules of the 3te Panzer Grenadier Division. Each of our unit members is obliged to comply with them!
1. Admission requirements
A Membership is only possible from 120 DoD:S hours or 36 hours on our Unitserver.
- Each member undertakes to actively participate and collaborate in unit life.
- Each member must have TeamSpeak 3, a working headset and be ready to use
them as soon as you play on the unit server.
- A Membership in another DoD:S unit or another clan is not permitted.
- If a member has other accounts in Steam, he must inform the management and
report that to the military police.
- A VAC-Ban (Valve Anti-Cheat-Ban) on the accounts is not allowed.
- The hours of play must be publicly available on the Steam profile.
- Each member undertakes to include the unit tag "[3te PGD]" in their name, as well as the
current picture to the rank (to be found in the TeamSpeak-channel "welcome to the 3te PGD") on Steam.
- The removal of the avatar or the unit tag is generally not permitted and can be used for a dishonorable exclusion.
2. Basis of conduct
Every member has to ensure that the good reputation of the 3te PGD is preserved.
- There must be maturity and polite behavior. Nobody is allowed to personally
attack or offend someone else.
- Politically neutral behavior is expected.
- Each member agrees to be respectful to other unit members and guests.
- The instructions / orders of an officer are to be followed.
2.1 Game Server
The members of the unit have to ensure that the order is maintained on the game server.
- When entering and leaving the server, the members have to greet and say goodbye to the members
who are already present with a **Salute**. This is reciprocated by the members out of respect.
- Each member must be familiar with the rules of the Realism Mod and have to ensure the compliance.
- Every member, when playing on our Server, must also be present on our TeamSpeak Server.
- The rank order within the unit must also be observed on the server. The highest rank has the right to manage the server, but can pass this on to another member by arrangement.
- Unit members, even if they have several steam accounts, are only allowed to enter our server with the account which they belong with to the unit.
2.2 TeamSpeak
- When entering one of our game servers, you must be present on our TeamSpeak server
- Scrimniveau prevails in all the Western Front Channels. It is only allowed to talk in realtion to the game.
- When receiving their first medal, each member undertakes to set the picture of their individual medal pillow (which can be viewed on the homepage) as a personal avatar in TeamSpeak and to update this immediately upon receipt of further medals.
2.3 Dealing with other units
It is the duty of every member to behave respectfully and appropriately towards other units /clans.
- It is forbidden to advertise members on the servers of the other units.
- If one of our members is insulted personally by a member of another unit/clan, or our unit is insulted,
this will be reported immediately to the management staff or the military police without comment.
2.4 Scrim / Training
The scrimniveau must be adhered to throughout.
- The instructions or commands of the leader must always be carried out. During a scrim, only the scrim leader speaks and writes with the opposing team.
- The rules of the Realism Mod, as well as the respective map, must be observed and adhered to.
- Each member undertakes not to fulfill any other obligations during the scrim / training.
3. Admin rights
Every member who has passed the admin training has admin rights on the game servers of the unit. They can kick and ban players for a limited time. Only the military police and the management staff have full admin rights and can permanentaly ban them.
- All ranks of the Mannschaft can take part in the admin training from the rank of Obergefreiter (Obgf.),
after completing the training, the soldiers can be recognized by other players with the addition of [A] in their Steam name.
- All Unteroffizieranwärter (U.A.) and all members who have the rank Unteroffizier (Uffz.)
or have a higher rank, have admin rights on our game servers. They wear therefore no longer the addition "[A]" in their steam name.
- Each member undertakes to properly deal with the admin rights.
- The abuse of admin rights will be punished.
4. Military police (Feldgendarmerie)
The military police is always active when a member violates one of these rules. They can also mediate in personal disputes.
- If a member realizes that another member is breaking a rule, they have to report this
to the military police.
- The members of the military police are authorized to impose disciplinary penalties.
- If a member is under temporal disciplinary sanction, they cannot be honorably discharged.
It must be assumed that one wants to evade the punishment.
5. Inactivity / Dismissal
If a member does not have time for private reasons, he or she has to cancel. Failure to follow the dismissal rules will result in dishonorable dismissal and a ban.
- A member can only leave the unit personally.
- Every member who is offline for more than 2 weeks has to register on the "Away Calendar" on the homepage. If a member is not online for more than 60 days, they will be moved to the reserve regiment, unless the longer absence has been agreed.
- The application for an honorable discharge must be made in the Forums of the homepage.
- After leaving the unit, a entry into an another is not permitted for 2 months.
The management staff of the 3te PGD
