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Main forum Forum: General Thread: Unban request - Koffeee
Unban request - Koffeee Site: « 1 »
#1 at 06.01.2021 on 03:11h Quote this entry
posts: 1
Hello, my name is Koffeee a.k.a. Reinecke (back in the day) and I'd like to apply for the unban on the Public/Realism server.

I got banned by Werner (I can't recall what was his rank) for the enticement of the members of the 3te PGD unit after leaving it for
the reason of not liking the athmosphere between other members and myself, I joined 6th RB under the name of J. MacTavish and tried getting
my friends from 3te PGD to join 6th RB with me, which was horrible idea.

I would want to apologize to everyone that had to bear the consiquences of my stupid decisions and want to say that I'm truly truly sorry for
everything bad I have done to the integrity of the unit and would like to get another chance to play the realism mod with all the funny and good
people on the 3te server like in the good old days.

I've been banned for almost 5 years and I am sure I have learnt my lesson. I promise it will NEVER happen again.
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#2 at 07.01.2021 on 17:57h Quote this entry
posts: 88
Auf Grund der Tatsache das du erst vorm kurzem mit einem Zweitaccount bei uns erwischt wurdest zeigt es uns das du nicht aus Fehlern lernst hiermit wird der Antrag Abgelehnt !

Major P.Rock

zuletzt editiert von P.Rock am 07.01.2021 18:02 Uhr 
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