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Main forum Forum: Day of Defeat Source Thread: Unban Request Qu3mp3x'
Unban Request Qu3mp3x' Site: « 1 »
#1 at 03.02.2025 on 23:12h Quote this entry
posts: 1
Hello Guys,

I was banned 2 days ago and would like to elaborate on that. In all honesty I think it was totally fine to ban me because my behavior was not right. I am sincerely sorry for this and hereby I appologize.

1. Namechange to Bluehearts

I changed my name to "Quempex <3 blue hearts" and i was accussed that this is political. Of course I could now start to argue and say something like "How can blue hearts be political?" and so on but this is not my way. I will not get into that. I can understand if some people think that this is political. I admit that. This was totally my fault. I am sorry. For this reason I think the ban is justified. Although I think 7 days instead of a permenant ban would have been enough as a warning but this decision is not up to me, it is up to you.

2. "Kill all russians"

I was accused that i wrote "Kill all russians". I could not find that in the chatlog and even if i said that then only to quote someone else. Because I cant remember properly but I think Maciek said that and then I was like "Maciek said kill all russians". So if i wrote this then only to quote someone else. I did definitly 100% not say that by myself. And I did also not say "Sieg Heil". I never wrote this.

3. General behavior of me

Yes I admit it. Sometimes I like to troll a little bit  for example if i change my name to "Candemor2" or something like this (Harmless things). This is just my humour. If you find this funny or not it doesnt matter. Although this is not on the same level like Teamkilling or saying extremely bad words to other players I understand that you think this is annoying. In the future I will stop this. Sorry!

To summarize:

I am really sorry for what I did. I will better myself in the future. It is everytime really funny to play with you together. And now I know that my behavior bothers you, I will change that. Hopefully you unban me or think about to reduce it to a 7 day or 1 month ban. 

Thank you very much. 

Yours sincerely

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#2 at 06.02.2025 on 11:22h Quote this entry
posts: 244
Hello Quempex,

As the leader of the Feldgendarmerie, I will tell you my opinion about this.

Your behaviour is not the right one as you know. Many little things made one of our admin to punish you with this ban, which I understand because at some points, you are not respecting our rules and also our unit. Changing name by mocking our ranks & all the things around that is not something that we appreciate.

Every topics about politics, wars, religions, homophobic & serious/sensible subjects are not welcome on our server. This is not new, more importantly when we had couple of discussions about that on our public server.

So, we will take a few days to find the right ban for you.

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