Server TeamSpeak




Jakub - 21.01.25 12:00h
Comments Site: « 1 »
#2 at 22.01.2025 on 19:09h IP saved
the maps look like I chose them lol.gif
#1 at 21.01.2025 on 12:21h IP saved
  • The 3te PGD Public Scrim Campaign offers our guests the chance to experience a real scrim atmosphere on a regular basis.
  • The campaign takes place every Saturday (9pm - german time) in February and March. A team of the 3te PGD will challenge a random team of public players under real scrim conditions.
  • Results and progress of the campaign will be tracked on our website and documented by screenshots.
  • All matches will be on the scrim server of the 3te PGD (IP: Because the server has a password, you need to be a member of our Steam Group "3te PGD Community Group". 
  • Public players who participated in 5 matches can request a VIP uniform. They have to ask it here on the homepage, or in our Public Steam Group (people from a unit clan can't claim it).
  • The leader of the scrim from the 3te PGD must have the Gold Membership Medal.
  • Everybody is welcome as he sticks to the realism rules (be respectful is needed).
  • The 3te PGD won't play with superior number and will, if necessary, adjust teams at the start of each rounds.
  • To avoid a standoff situations each map in the campaign will only be played once. It will end after the 8 maps have been played.
  • Screenshots, to track the participants, will be taken during the match (demos also, but will not be publicly available).
  • Members of other units can only join if the public players don't have enough players. 

last edited by Jakub at 21.01.2025 12:22h
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