Server TeamSpeak




Membership Gold

Hesketh-Prichard - 15.01.25 20:00h 0 Comments

First of all, in the name of the FS/FO, we would like to wish you an happy new year, alongside happiness, success and more importantly, health. Hopefully, 2025 will be a great year for our unit and community. Let's keep the fun running out on our servers!

If I also point out this subject, it is because, lately, a couple of incidents happened in our server, with some public players showing some bad behaviours. Even we have our rules, we have decided, after a short meeting on the server with the community online at this moment, to agree on our new process, which gonna start from now on.

Bad behaviour, bad spirit or bad mood - this has to stop!

Our new system is based on communication at the start. For example, Marx & Wonderpark have hearded from Sponky5 a bad word (such as retard, gay, cheater, camper, insults & many more, in English or own language) ; in this case, both of the admins present at this moment discuss about this, if this deserve a ban or not. Jokes are allowed, but only in a private way, to make sure there is no misunderstanding.

The player is warned directly and after, the ban depends of the point of views of our admin members. Bans are different regardless to their usage, verbal or textual. Of course, our members who are breaking the rules will receive an intern warning. 

 day ban / 1 week ban / 6 months ban / Permanent ban - can't be removed)
TEXTUAL BANS (1 day ban / 1 week ban / 3 months ban / 
6 months ban / Permanent ban - can't be removed)

As you can see, we give more attention to the verbal abuse as it can hurt some people by hearing someone calling them something. This can change in the near future, but for now, EVERYONE without exception will have to stick to those rules.

If you are dealing with a problem like this on our servers, contact in priority a Feldgendarmerie member, or a member of the FS/FO, the highest ranks in our unit.

The FS/FO.


Jakub - 07.01.25 20:00h 4 Comments
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