From October 15th to November 15th we are going to cancel the 10 most played maps but donner and flash as starter map.
Through this radical intervention we want to draw again attention to already 155 maps in total we collected on the server over the years.
A big amount of those maps, despite their love and detail plus fantastic buildings, were never been able to be played onto the realism mod.
Take your chance and find your new favorite map!
The canceled maps are:
dod_cherbourg dod_crash dod_fabrik dod_jagd dod_marlky_winter dod_rive_rc3 dod_santos_b3 dod_schlag dod_stug dod_tiger2008
Membership 1st classGrenadier LeCat Serdar Speers
Membership 3rd class Pancho-Villa
Admin-training Public-Agent Timbo
Man of the Match Shankers
Teambash Shankers
Scrim-award 3rd class Wabbelwillie
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