1. Kompanie "Bayern"
2. Kompanie "Berlin"
3xi_trainmap_realism will be the starting map insteed of dod_donner during the summer!
Map-reduction is removed
From june 2nd to june 16th we have canceled the 10 most played maps.
Through this radical intervention we wanted to draw again attention to already 134 maps in total we collected on the server over the years.
A big amount of those maps, despite their love and detail plus fantastic building, were never been able to be played onto the realism mod.
For the reasons the map-reduction will set in again after 4 weeks!
The following soldiers will be transferred to the reserve regiment:
Hfw.Nike Unfw.Lumpi
Hstgf.Endi Hstgf.Materia Hstgf.Mina Hstgf.Tobias Ostgf.Lolbastane Ostgf.Ivan Ostgf.Stahl Stgf.K.Blauer Hgf.Legget Hgf.Ruiiji Gefr.Jenni Gefr.Minou
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